
1. 'Tis a lesson you should heed,

Try, try again;

If at first you don't succeed,

Try, try again;

Then your courage should appear,

For, if you will persevere,

You will conquer, never fear;

Try, try again.

2. Once or twice though you should fail,

Try, try again;

If you would at last prevail,

Try, try again;

If we strive, 'tis no disgrace

Though we do not win the race;

What should you do in the case?

Try, try again.

3. If you find your task is hard,

Try, try again;

Time will bring you your reward,

Try, try again.

All that other folks can do,

Why, with patience, should not you?

Only keep this rule in view:

Try, try again.


1. Courage: Resolution.

1. Conquer: Gain the victory.

2. Prevail: Overcome.

2. Disgrace: Shame.

3. Reward: Anything given in return for good or bad conduct.

3. Patience: Constancy in labor.


1. What does the mark before 'Tis mean?

2. What is it called?

3. What point is used after the word 'case' in the second stanza? Why?

Teaching Guide:

Step 1: Study the Notes and Definitions

  • Read any notes and/or information about the author.
  • Study any definitions.

Step 2: Examine the Lesson Image

Describe the image, its setting, and its characters.

Step 3: Read the Lesson Passage

  • Find each new word in the passage.
  • Practice reading the passage, both silently and aloud.
  • Upon mastering the passage, recite it aloud to your instructor.

Step 4: Complete any Exercises